Cascina LagoScuro

Do you want to buy our Organic Products?

You'll find it here...

Via San Gallo 8 - Cremona
Phone +39 0372 57487

Opened on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday from 9.00 to 12.30
and from 16.00 to 19.00


The farm with its beautiful structures (the church, the tower, the lake...) takes new life with the most important novelty: a real pre-school!.

The little nursery hosts ten kids at the moment and strives to face the demands of those who want to grant to their sons a different and stimulating experience of growth. The kids eat farm’s food, see farm’s crafts, “work” in the garden, watch how to make bread and play in front of a huge glass-door that overlook the animals grazing every day.

At the pre-school has been recreated a community in the name of a healthy agriculture so to fulfil a social function as actually the farms always did in the past, but with a brand new touch.